The Puppet (Short Film)

A good friend of mine from university and I have long shared a passion and desire to make a film.  For whatever reason, and the nearly 10 years since we left uni, neither of us has done much on that front.  We’ve both been caught up in career and paying the bills.  Mind you, our careers have afforded us experience and skills that we can use towards a film, as Dan (and his wife) has run his own successful design and video production company for several years, called Novel Creative.

I had just finished work on X Factor for the year, and Dan had just finished work as a compositor on Happy Feet 2, so we both had some time on our hands in between jobs.  We decided to finally make a film for Tropfest…  and here it is:

Feel free to visit the website for the film, or the facebook page for the short film, and drop us a “like”!


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